Updates From June, 2006
Irish Jukebox posted by glaze on 06/15/2006 |
One thing that has never been on this website is a jukebox. That all changed today, when i added one to the site. Check it out, there’s a link on menu on the left or you can just click here. Now, if your at the library, kinko’s, or some other place that doesn’t let you download things to the computer your using, you can just pop open the jukebox, and listen to your favorite irishtoothache tunes. It’s a lot like that myspace music player, except it works. I tried to leave all the horrible songs off of it, so it’s jam packed with our best efforts, which are still pretty bad. Enjoy it. |
Oh snap, it’s a battle... posted by e-dub on 06/13/2006 |
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