K FED MAN--THE OFFICIAL KEVIN FEDERLINE VIDEO GAME!!!! posted by skeltz on 05/21/2006
Help K-Fed Man get back at the "pavoratti" (or paparazzi, if you aren’t kevin) by blasting them with hot rhymes!!! Try not to kill your family, or you will lose Po-Po-Points! And watch out for flying tabloids!! Your high scores will be recorded on the kevin federline fanclub if you want, and if you are a member of the KFF and get one of the top 3 high scores, you will have a medal on your page!!! SO CLICK HERE TO PLAY IT!!!
And as if that wasn’t reason enough to get that top score, get THIS--at 12:00 AM one month from today, the KFF member with the top score can send in a picture of themself and we will put them in the game as a character!!!! Now THAT’s FIRE!!!
Remember, only members are elligible for the contest, and membership is free and confidential, so join today!!! PopoZAO!!!
Some Strange Art Show posted by glaze on 05/04/2006
For some strange reason, we are being featured in an art show. I have never been to an art show, and don’t know what they are supposed to be like, but I can assure you that this show will not be like any that you have ever been to before. Princess, a charter member of the Kevin Federline Fanclub, is putting on the show and kindly asked us if we would let her display our horrible things. Of course, we said yes. So if you are in or near Orono Maine on May 17th, and I know that you will be, stop by the place where the art show is and check it out. The full lineup and all the other shit you need to know is below.
Bad.Habits.Productions.presents: The World is our Mirror